"You know what? The bastard blows me out of the water. This guy writes Maine like Ardai writes New York. If you're not reading him, you don't know what you're missing." --Chris F. Holm, author of "The Collector" series, The Killing Kind, and Red Right Hand.

"A refreshingly new voice in noir." --Ed Kurtz, author of Nothing You Can Do and The Rib From Which I Remake the World.

"A glorious boilermaker of noir and East Coast gothic. The action is taut as a sprung snare and Bagley tightens the screws with every page." -- Laird Barron, author of Swift to Chase and Blood Standard.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Damn That John McFetridge

I'm supposed to be finishing my revision of Bitter Water Blues this week, but I made the mistake of cracking open John McFetridge's novel Dirty Sweet, and got hooked in on the first page. Everything else got put on hold until I finished it this afternoon. Russian crooks, biker gangs, shootings, bombs, strippers, porn, seventies rock...Dirty Sweet has something for everyone. Like Declan Burke, McFetridge has been compared to Elmore Leonard. While there are stylistic similarities, McFetridge is his own man. Grab this one, but don't make any plans until you finish it.

1 comment:

Declan Burke said...

Patrick - Snap, I just read Dirty Sweet last week ... thought it was terrific, really terrific. John McFetridge is going places fast ... Cheers, Dec