"You know what? The bastard blows me out of the water. This guy writes Maine like Ardai writes New York. If you're not reading him, you don't know what you're missing." --Chris F. Holm, author of "The Collector" series, The Killing Kind, and Red Right Hand.

"A refreshingly new voice in noir." --Ed Kurtz, author of Nothing You Can Do and The Rib From Which I Remake the World.

"A glorious boilermaker of noir and East Coast gothic. The action is taut as a sprung snare and Bagley tightens the screws with every page." -- Laird Barron, author of Swift to Chase and Blood Standard.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Today’s Word Count

This morning I wrote 2,107 words of a short story called “Welcome to Val-U-Mart, Motherfucker.” It’s for an anthology, and is due soon. I want to make sure I get it finished in time to do some revisions.

I'll work on Bitter Water Blues after the kids are in bed tonight. I expect to get in another thousand there.

NOTE: Having just Googled "Val-U-Mart" and found it to be a real store, I now have to come up with a new name. No big deal.


Jen said...

I like to use Thrifty*Mart, myself. Of course, there are Thrifty Marts existing everywhere, but I feel like the asterisk makes it my own. And simultaneously makes it clear who I'm referencing.

Nice new digs, by the way.

Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

I'm going with Big-Buy for now. All the "associates" wear red, white and blue vests.